Final Transnational Project Meeting

Final Transnational Meeting 18th and 19th of September 2023 Nicosia, Cyprus


Agenda schedule


The main objectives of the meeting were:

  1.  to assess review the project and identify the lessons learned;
  2.  to make sure that any potential outstanding activities and tasks are assigned properly;
  3.  to discuss recommended future actions, and any information you think would be helpful to future projects and team collaborations.


The meeting was divided into 4 smaller sessions, during which the following topics were discussed:

  • S1: Reviewing the progress of the deliverables and targeting for the completion of those that have not been completed. 
  • S2: General information about the final report, the supporting files we need to submit, as well as financial management issues. 
  • S3: General overview of the project, main achievements, challenges and lessons learned 
  • S4: Co-deciding the framework for future actions. 

Alongside the work part, the host organization (University of Cyprus) has organized a few small social events, which aimed to give a festive atmosphere to the meeting, but also to bring the participants into contact with elements of Cypriot culture.


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